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Book cover of Your Eco-Friendly Vacation Rental


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I am a freelance writer. 


And I would love to see if we can work together. Mostly I write about high-performing real estate… the land on which a majestic tree grows or a nine-story tech building downtown. It means healthy and eco-friendly buildings, sometimes even healthy communities. But always climate intelligence, knowing where the owner’s and user’s opportunities and responsibilities lie with each property and the broader portfolio.


I spent most of my career working on both sides of the health and real estate connection. Put that to work for you in today’s market where buyers and tenants demand buildings that enhance health and don’t degrade the environment. They expect a high-performing real estate asset.


Your business deserves a great story and user experience to differentiate you from just another in the crowd.


My background in Community Health, senior housing, housing finance, and as a real estate investor helps me tell your story. Certification in Fitwel buildings by the Center for Active Design lets me speak the language. 


Use the form below to explore how we can work together and I’ll reply within 48 hours.


